Monday, September 24, 2012

Technology used in testing?

I commented on the post No More Memorizing in Schools- Yes, Really! in the Edublogger. The title popped out to me right away. In my previous blog posts I have mentioned that I think that some depend on technology too much so this post caught my eye and I immediately thought, here we go again relying on technology! Then, I thought about it for a few minutes and talked with my husband about it and I think there is a valid point made in this post. As a teacher, I do not rely solely on my own knowledge. I collaborate with others, use the internet, textbooks, etc. to develop lessons and activities for my students. Do I know everything about teaching Spanish and the language itself? No, but I do know a lot about it. I think allowing for the use of the internet during SOME assessments would be acceptable. Students would have to know how to use the internet to get the information that they need. However, their knowledge in the content being tested must be strong enough so that they are not solely relying on the internet/technology for answers. That will be the difficult part to judge- what they know and what they know because of the use of the internet.

1 comment:

  1. The post you commented on was certainly one which provided a good topic for reflection. My reaction to the question of whether students should be allowed to access the internet during assessments has two parts. First of all, the more you know (have memorized) the better you will be able to build on that knowledge and know what to look for online. The second thought is that the tasks need to be carefully crafted so that the students really have to use what they find on the internet in a unique way. That is what you pointed out in the latter part of your post. It will be quite interesting to see what the future holds.
